Prefillable Syringes

SCHOTT prefillable syringes are made with top-quality FIOLAX® tubing, which offers precise dimensions and narrow inner diameter tolerance of up to ±0.05 mm. This provides impressive plunger tightness and consistent gliding forces, while camera-assisted quality control results in fewer costly rejections.

Integrated expertise comes as standard

FIOLAX® for strength and stability

Produced using high-strength and chemically resistant FIOLAX® tubing, SCHOTT syringes feature precise formation with high process capability and stability, while narrow inner diameter tolerance ensures plunger tightness and consistent gliding forces.

Outstanding needle technology

SCHOTT’s advanced needle gluing technique, supported by camera-assisted quality control, ensures strong bonding of the syringe needle and barrel. Outstanding needle sharpness is achieved with an optimized process that also eliminates needle hooks.

Perfect gliding performance

SCHOTT’s long experience of siliconization means we closely control the process and customize silicone profiles to perfectly match customer requirements. This means excellent gliding performance can be achieved in any circumstance.

Low cosmetic defects

The high calibre of syriQ® syringes comes from state-of-the-art production lines and stringent manufacturing methods. In-line camera inspections and handling with no glass-to-glass contact reduce cosmetic defects such as scratches and cracks, resulting in less rejections on the filling line.


Staked needle syringes from SCHOTT come in a range of sizes, with a variety of needles, bevel designs and closure systems.


We offer tight geometric tolerances: 



SCHOTT Syringes Dimensions


syriQ® Staked Needle

syriQ® Staked Needle



syriQ BioPure® provides over 48 pre-validated configurations with top-class elastomer components. Key features include ultra-low tungsten and low adhesive residuals, as well as accurate dimensions for optimal device compatibility.


We offer tight geometric tolerances: 


syriQ BioPure®


syriQ BioPure®


syriQ BioPure®


syriQ® Rigid Cap is a new Luer Lock closure system from SCHOTT for the syriQ® prefillable glass syringe (PFS) portfolio. It combines superior container closure integrity with an easy, safe and intuitive way to use. Its features include:


We offer tight geometric tolerances: 

syriQ® Rigid Cap

syriQ® Rigid Cap

syriQ® Rigid Cap


Benefits stable container closure integrity

Screwed tip cap reduces the risk of integrity loss during processing, as well as simple handling and a longer shelf life.


Drug compatibility

Choice of different rubber formulations: Dätwyler FM 27 or West 7025. Further rubber formulation for tip cap on request (validation required):

– Dätwyler FM30

– Aptar pharma 6580

– West 7028


Easy and safe to open

Intuitive twist-off cap on LLA makes it easy for the end user to handle and reduces the risk of tip contamination while opening.


Easy to connect

The Luer Lock Adapter enables secure and easy connection of accessories, such as vial adapters or hypodermic and safety needles.


Fast time to market

The design of SRC matches a closure system the pharma industry is already familiar with.



Color of rigid cap can be customized on request.





syriQ® Luer Lock OVS® features the following benefits:

  • Graduation or dose marks available on request.
  • Plungers from Aptar pharma, Dätwyler and West.
  • Plunger rods available.


We offer tight geometric tolerances: 


syriQ® Luer Lock OVS®


syriQ® Luer Lock OVS®


syriQ® Luer Lock OVS®


syriQ® Luer Cone features the following benefits:

  • Graduation or dose marks available on request.
  • Further rubber formulation for tip cap on request (validation required).
  • Ceramic color-based cone coating or grinded cone tip on request.
  • Plungers from Aptar pharma, Dätwyler and West.
  • Plunger rods available.


We offer tight geometric tolerances: 


syriQ® Luer Cone


syriQ® Luer Cone


syriQ® Luer Cone

Want to know more? Let's talk

Whether you need more information, samples, a quote, or advice for a project, I would be delighted to talk to you.

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