Product Variants of Break Resistant Cartridges

SCHOTT offers a portfolio of cartridges with a range of geometries and tight tolerance for high dosage accuracy. As well as a standard range that fits all drug delivery devices and fill and finish lines, we offer SCHOTT BR (Break Resistant) for maximum protection and SCHOTT Double Chamber for long shelf life.
Cartridges BR (Break Resistance)
Cartridges BR (Break Resistance)
  • Cartridges BR (Break Resistance)
  • Cartridges BR (Break Resistance)

Cartridges BR (Break Resistance)

SCHOTT cartridges BR are designed specifically to offer the maximum amount of protection for vital medication that needs to be applied in hazardous situations where failure isn’t an option. These cartridges are also able to keep very expensive medicine secure and, in the case of toxic drugs, support safer filling, handling and administration.


The superior break resistance of SCHOTT cartridges BR results from an exchange of sodium ions in the glass surface with larger potassium ions. This chemical strengthening of the glass matrix is done in a potassium nitrate bath with FIOLAX®. 



  • High structural strength gives maximum drug protection.
  • Much safer handling of toxic drugs.
  • Saves on cost by reducing the number of breakages and defects happening at the point of use.
  • Customizable to specific auto injector requirements.
Cartridges Double Chamber
Cartridges Double Chamber Cartridges Double Chamber Cartridges Double Chamber
  • Cartridges Double Chamber
  • Cartridges Double Chamber
  • Cartridges Double Chamber
  • Cartridges Double Chamber

Cartridges Double Chamber

These innovative cartridges solve the challenge of many new sensitive biotech drugs where shelf life is a key issue. This is especially true of lyophilized formulations, where one of the active constituents needs to be stored in powdered form, separate from a liquid diluent. The formulation can easily be reconstituted into its final, deliverable state, just before administering.


The lyophilisate and diluent are held separately in each of the two chambers of the cartridge, separated by a plunger and a bypass arrangement – a method that supports the shelf-life stability of sensitive drug formulations. When the time comes to dispense the drug, the plunger is pushed to the level of the bypass and the diluent flows into the second chamber to mix with the other component. Just triggering the pen releases the drug for injection in precisely the right dose, which ensures patient safety without the risk of contamination. These cartridges are perfect for pen devices and for self-medication.



  • Storage and integrated reconstitution in one container.
  • Supports the shelf-life stability of sensitive drugs.
  • Delivers medication in accurate doses.
  • Compatible for pen-delivery devices.

Want to know more? Let’s talk

Whether you need more information, samples, a quote, or advice for a project, we would be delighted to talk to you.

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